Congelatore basso dell'esposizione del dolce di marmo pane/del forno due strati 1800 x 730 x 1250

Congelatore basso dell'esposizione del dolce di marmo pane/del forno due strati 1800 x 730 x 1250


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Congelatore commerciale dell'esposizione del gelato


Armadietti di esposizione del dolce

Descrizione di prodotto

Bakery / Bread Base Marble Cake Display Refrigerator Two Layers 1800*730*1250 Greenheath cake display case, it is three-sided glass food display case, which features rear removable sliding double glazed doors, is suitable for displaying cakes and desserts, as well as a variety of other foods, such as meats and cheeses. This unit features straight double glazed glass panels with heated front glass, and the electronic temperature control and display ensure perfect temperature

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